Emily Danger is an opera singer turned beat maker in New York.
She plays keys, guitar, and machines and is influenced by the likes of Fiona Apple, Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, and Cole Porter.
Her new single, “Nice Try”, was released last month and can only be described as “the next ‘Bond theme’”.
She wrote, composed, and co-produced her album, “Less Blue”, available through all online mediums.
She has played SXSW, CMJ, and toured throughout the US/Canada, and recently won the Bronze medal in the American Traditions Vocal Competition (2023).
Likes: dogs, red wine, yacht rock, National Parks, bodysuits, Idris Elba, books, scary movies, tiny ponies.
Dislikes: ruined vibes, naysayers, wind, and sinkholes.
“Bitch Media”: “War Torn” single premiere
“…it reverberates in, and deep – more radiation through bone than sound waves through air.”
“…a dark, compelling look at an artist separating herself from a couple of well-defined institutions and entering an inchoate, unknown territory of her own design.””
“V Magazine”: The Rebel Issue
“This is no cautionary tale. And Emily Danger is no diva. But be forewarned, the opera trained indie musician’s honed howl is going to blow your mind.”
“With her native ability and her wholehearted 360 approach, Danger is in no risk of fading from the spotlight anytime soon.””
“Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls”: Emily Danger Smartist Feature
“Her name may be Emily Danger and she may be a queen in the world of dark cabaret rock, but she wants you to feel safe inside her music-vulnerable enough to be yourself.”
“For the heart, soul, and tenacity with which she perseveres in music and life, Emily Danger is our next Smartist.””
Photo by: Joe Curnutte